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Drive Compare

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 3:48 pm
by neo-admin
Q: How can I do a comparison? I backup to 2 drives, but this is not all at once, as I film something, I add it, is there a way to quickly compare and make sure they are identical and if not, what is different?

A: You can use the Find Duplicates command for that. ... cates.html

First, catalog both drives separately with NeoFinder.
If you have cloned them using a tool like SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner, you may need to add some special precautions so that NeoFinder knows these are separate drives: ... disks.html

Then, use the Find Duplicate command in the menu or the toolbar. In the "Find in" menu of the Find Duplicates settings, select the two catalogs you have created in the first step.

Then set up the options what you consider a Duplicate, and tell NeoFinder to show you only Unique Files.


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