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NeoFinder 8.7 available today!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:47 pm
by neo-admin
We are thrilled to give you NeoFinder 8.7 today, packed with new features and abilities!

Find out all about it:

Download the update today with the built-in Updater, or get it from the NeoFinder web site:

As always, we will post a lot more about the details here in the next weeks. Stay tuned!

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Very Dark!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:21 pm
by neo-admin
It was a Very Dark and stormy night.


But yes, we have made NeoFinder 8.7 Very Dark.

All windows, dialog, items, are dark when you select the Dark Mode.

But don't change to the Dark Side, okay?

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very dark about.jpg (87.31 KiB) Viewed 18051 times

Audio Converter!

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:16 pm
by neo-admin
NeoFinder can convert photos into new formats.
It can also convert videos into different formats and encodings.

And now, NeoFinder 8.7 can also convert your audio files!

All of that happens in the background, while you can keep working with NeoFinder, of course.

Read more about it in the updated NeoFinder Users guide: ... erter.html

This feature currently supports these formats: MP3, M4A, WAVE, WAV, AIF, AIFF, FLAC, CAF, and OGG.

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audio converter.jpg (102.07 KiB) Viewed 16723 times

EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:49 am
by neo-admin
EPS is, yep, BACK!

With a little help, though, but back it is.

Apple had removed the EPS converter in macOS 14, but we found a nice way to get EPS thumbnails back for you!

The NeoFinder Users Guide has more:

EPS is BACK!.jpg
EPS is BACK!.jpg (35.47 KiB) Viewed 15035 times

What is a Phocus, and is it dangerous?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 4:54 pm
by neo-admin
What is a Phocus?

And why does it lose Annotations and other metadata? ;-)

NeoFinder 8.7 now supports the free Hasselblad Phocus software, which can be used to develop RAW photos, and not just those of their own .FFF or .3RF formats, but many others as well!

But working with Annotations and metadata in Hasselblad Phocus has some important issues that you need to know about first!

A new chapter in the NeoFinder Users Guide has more about that: ... hocus.html

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Relative dates!

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:38 pm
by neo-admin
Another highly useful addition to NeoFinder 8.7 is that you can now use the Find Editor to search for relative date.

Like all photos taken within the last 14 days.

Or all files created within the last month.

This works for the Creation Date and Modification Date of files and folders, but also for the EXIF Capture Date of videos and photos.

We have added this new ability to the NeoFinder Users Guide:

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Find Relative Date!.jpg (80.78 KiB) Viewed 12420 times

BBC Sound Effects Archive

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:02 pm
by neo-admin
"The BBC Sound Effects Archive is available for personal, educational or research purposes. There are over 33,000 clips from across the world from the past 100 years."

NeoFinder 8.7 can now catalog the full set of metadata and descriptions embedded in the amazing audio files of the free BBC Sound Effects Archive!

Both in their MP3 and WAV audio files.

This includes the ID3 "TXXX" tags and an extended "bext" WAVE record.

And NeoFinder will not only display that data, you can of course search for it, too!

Read more about how NeoFinder can Catalog your Music:

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BBC Sound Effects Metadata.jpg (89.81 KiB) Viewed 11830 times

Catalog NextCloud, ownCloud, Box, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Cloud, Google Drive, Dropbox,

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:42 am
by neo-admin
You want to catalog NextCloud, ownCloud, Box, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Cloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, BackBlaze, FTP, WebDAV with NeoFinder?

That is easy with the separate and very cool Mountain Duck tool!

You can find it here:

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mountain duck icon.jpg (26.89 KiB) Viewed 10150 times

We have updated NeoFinder to safely identify these special, virtual volumes mounted by Mountain Duck, so you can use them like any other server with NeoFinder.

The freshly updated NeoFinder Users Guide has more: ... vices.html

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Mountain Duck server types.jpg (125.61 KiB) Viewed 10150 times

Nikon .NEV video files

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:06 pm
by neo-admin
NeoFinder 8.7 can now catalog Nikon .NEV video files in their RAW format!

You can get beautiful thumbnails, and the full set of metadata, as with all the other video file formats that NeoFinder already supports. ... ideos.html

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Nikon NEV Thumbnails.jpg (86.04 KiB) Viewed 8197 times

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Nikon NEV Metadata.jpg (67.44 KiB) Viewed 8197 times

Better Details View!

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 3:53 pm
by neo-admin
The completely reworked Details View in NeoFinder 8.7 has a lot of new features, you can now decide for yourself what data you wish to display in the seven fields in the right column.

Just open the View Options, and select what you want to see.

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Auto-Updater: Use a default!

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:31 pm
by neo-admin
The Auto-Updater in NeoFinder allows you to automatically Update certain Catalogs at a given time, and interval, or when NeoFinder is launched, or just on specific weekdays.

In NeoFinder 8.7, you can now select an existing Auto-Updater schedule and its settings to be used as a default value for new schedules you will add later!

This powerful option is available in the context menu for the list of schedules.

The NeoFinder Users Guide has more:

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AutoUpdater Schedule Use as Default.jpg (136.28 KiB) Viewed 5576 times

Rename a person!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:41 pm
by neo-admin
The "Rename Person" command in NeoFinder 8.7 now has the ability to change the old value in all photo and video files, too!

The NeoFinder Users Guide has been updated for that new powerful ability: ... rsons.html
Section: Rename a person
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Rename Person - dialog.jpg (61.39 KiB) Viewed 4639 times

Color Profiles

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:27 pm
by neo-admin
The integrated Photo Converter in NeoFinder is now able to convert the Color Profile of the exported file for you!

The available color profiles currently are: sRGB, Adobe RGB, Pro Photo RGB, Display P3, and BT.2020.

Enjoy! ... hotos.html

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Photo Export Color Profile.jpg (134.61 KiB) Viewed 2993 times

More fields for the Icon View!

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:16 am
by neo-admin
Due to a lot of requests for these, we have added three additional fields to the Icon View and the Photo Contact Sheet in NeoFinder 8.7.

These can be displayed below the thumbnail, set this up in the View Settings.

"EXIF Date (just the date, no time!)", "Kind" and "GPS GeoTag"

Enjoy! ... sheet.html

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Icon View new fields.jpg (157.3 KiB) Viewed 2097 times

Two additional Smart Folders for you!

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:18 am
by neo-admin
NeoFinder 8.7 installs two new default Smart Folders for you when you install it.

These use the new relative date search of the Find Editor.

One will show you all files that were created within the last two weesk, and the other one finds all photos modified in the last month.

You can use the context menu to edit them, and add more paramters, or change the time interval.

Or just create your own, as you need them.

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two new smart folders.jpg (25.73 KiB) Viewed 885 times