abeMeda 7.8 released!

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abeMeda 7.8 released!

Post by abemeda »

We are very happy to finally release abeMeda 7.8 !

abeMeda 7.8 is a great new release with a number of important new features and fixes. It brings discovery of image sequences, a vastly improved display filter, automatic updates to the global lists and many new find options to the Inspector. Importing and improved handling of keywords, enhanced QuickFind, new supported image and video formats (like ORI, AVIF, 3FR and NEV), and a number of other additions and improvements complete this package.
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Check out the new features, and download your copy right away! Again, this is a free update for all registered users of abeMeda 7, and users of older versions can acquire an update for a small fee.


Changes in this version :
• abeMeda can now identify and condense image sequences when cataloging.
• It will detect and "fold" consecutively numbered image sequences during cataloging. That is great and saves time for video producers with thousands of single frame files to catalog
• added a new custom selection to the display filter
• you can now combine multiple item characteristics to filter your files
• when creating or updating a catalog, abeMeda can now automatically update your keywords, people and annotations lists with those found in the catalog.
• added the ability to import a keyword list, to insert an external keyword list file into your existing keyword collection.
• you can now also specifically remove or dissolve keyword groups
• expanded QuickFind, which can now also be used to search a current selection of catalogs, instead of only always find in all catalogs as before.
• added support for .ORI (Olympus RAW) image format
• added support for .HEIF and .HIF image formats, which can now be read via IrfanView.
• added support for Hasselblad image files .FFF and .3FR
• added support for AVIF format, to be read via IrfanView (which added an AVIF plugin in v4.65)
• abeMeda now reads NEV Nikon RAW video files
• added handling for LargeFileSupport in exiftool
• added a number of additional find commands for more inspector items
• especially for the resolution, many XMP fields, some missing ID3 attributes like Year and Bitrate, and also a few different finds for the EXIF recording date
• added publishing date for ePub files - it gets cataloged, shown in the Inspector, and you can also find books based on their publication date or year
• added a note to the export dialog, explaining that levels in Demo mode are capped at 5 to alleviate confusion with the export results during Demo mode.
• if a file path in a catalog can not be found on the corresponding volume, the error message will now include the assumed path, so you can more clearly identify where a problem is and how to fix it.
• improved compatibility with the new ffmpeg 7
• included the new exiftool 12.87

• fixed an issue where the people list could sometimes loose persons when gathering people from catalogs.
• fixed an issue that could occur when copying a number of items via drag-and-drop. also added a progress to our own "Copy Items"
• fixed issue to improve the quality of different imported catalogs
• fixed an issue where "rescan item metadata" would discard an existing thumbnail, even if the rescan would fail to provide an updated one.
• fixed a rare issue where a catalog folder could produce a number of doubles in the database each time the app starts
• improved: converting/exporting photos now also deals with the image formats we read via IrfanView
• fixed an issue where "Find Video Framerate" would not always find all matching files.
• file folder icons now look a little nicer
• fixed an issue where inexact GPS information stored in XMP, via PhotoMechanic would suppress the better EXIF GPS in the catalog
• fixed some issues to improve the metadata and thumbnail accuracy for comic book formats.
• fixed an issue where fallbacks (namely exiftool) were not fully utilized for video thumbnails and metadata if ffmpeg fails or is missing
• abeMeda now also reads more metadata from exiftool alone, especially when ffmpeg is not installed.
• fixed an issue where the AutoSync would sometimes not work correctly and/or ignore or fail on certain catalog folders
• fixed a number of issues with finding certain annotations, that would not find what was searched for, fail when searching for an annotation that was not in the global list, or could even cause a crash
• fixed an issue where JPG images with AVM metadata (like from the JWST) were not correctly cataloged.
• fixed an issue with the sorting of catalogs during finding, which would not match the intended sort order
• now it is always sorted from newest catalogs to oldest, with already loaded catalogs being searched first.
• and fixed a number of other issues as well
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