Cataloging crypted (secret) volumes
Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:20 pm
Hi I have some volumes with crypted data for security reasons and I want to catalog them.
I assume that anyone who has access to my catalog files can peek into the secret volumes as well, and - if configured so - even see thumbnails or read texts.
Therefore I moved the whole database folder to an encrypted volume. This way you need at least the key for the now encrypted database files to peek into.
But this is not very convenient because even for searches or volume updates of non-encrypted volumes you would need to mount the encrypted database folder first.
I was thinking it would be nice to have the option to encrypt only individual databases (of volumes or folders) within an un-encrypted database-folder. Naturally these would then be excluded from a „normal“ search or content browsing - if you not otherwise activate an option „include encrypted databases“.
I would prefer to NOT store / retrieve the keys for theses encrypted databases in / from the Keymanager of the OS. Rather input them individually and have Neofinder cache these until the app is closed or a given inactivity time limit.
What do you think?
Are there better workflows?
I assume that anyone who has access to my catalog files can peek into the secret volumes as well, and - if configured so - even see thumbnails or read texts.
Therefore I moved the whole database folder to an encrypted volume. This way you need at least the key for the now encrypted database files to peek into.
But this is not very convenient because even for searches or volume updates of non-encrypted volumes you would need to mount the encrypted database folder first.
I was thinking it would be nice to have the option to encrypt only individual databases (of volumes or folders) within an un-encrypted database-folder. Naturally these would then be excluded from a „normal“ search or content browsing - if you not otherwise activate an option „include encrypted databases“.
I would prefer to NOT store / retrieve the keys for theses encrypted databases in / from the Keymanager of the OS. Rather input them individually and have Neofinder cache these until the app is closed or a given inactivity time limit.
What do you think?
Are there better workflows?