Various Questions
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 3:19 pm
I'm trying out NeoFinder under the 30-day free license. I am an advanced amateur photographerI with a few questions.
- (1) When I catalog my ARW files, NeoFinder adds a prefix “.” and a postscript “.icloud”. “DSCxxxx.ARW” in Finder becomes “.DSCxxxx.ARW.icloud” in NeoFiner. The NeoFinder path is “…/…/.DSCxxxx.ARW.icloud” so when I try to open it in, say, Affinity Photo, it can’t find the file. I have to change the name in the NeoFinder metadata window with the “also rename in volume” box checked. I don’t yet know how to do batching processing with AppleScript, but hey, why is NeoFinder appending these extra characters in the file name? No problem with JPEG cataloging.
- (2) After correcting the name issue above, the ARWs are shown as 0.2 KB files with no preview.
I often have multiple files for the same image - .ARW, .afphoto, .tiff, .etc. (Yes, I added the . to .etc for .fun!) Can these be bundled and searched as a single item with a single preview?
- (3) For pano and focus stacks, I realize that I need to keep my raw and developed files in a subfolder. Can I have a preview and metadata for the folder? I want to be able to search for a focus-stack image without having the search show me all 20 images in the stack. Is this kind of bundling possible?
- (4) I’ve been through the Adobe and Capture One. They use DAM as a way to lock us into their “ecosystem.” I am looking to NeoFinder to separate my DAM system from image processing. I want to process in multiple software and be able to contain them all in a single DAM system. I know I can’t get my adjustments out of Capture One, but is there any way to get my metadata, particularly the keywords, out?
- (5) Is there any way to tell NeoFinder to use specific preview files? If I have a raw file and processed files, but I want a preview from the processed file - not the raw.
- (6) When I try to “open with” on .ARW files, it presents no options. How do I associate a list of applications that can open each file type like Finder does?