We are very happy to give you the first update of the NeoFinder 8.x family, the brand new NeoFinder for Mac 8.1 Ultra!
And yes, the name suffix is of course inspired by Apples new M1 Ultra hardware, which seems very powerful. Just like NeoFinder.

NeoFinder 8.1 has Improved cataloging – Expanded Find Editor – Shared XMP Presets
Some of the new and amazing features include:
XMP Presets are now stored in the NeoFinder Database Folder, so they can be shared with abeMeda for Windows and other NeoFinder instances in a network
Built-in editor for the Expert Preferences
Built-in editor for the DatabaseSettings.xml
Catalog EXIF Capture Date including seconds
Multi Renamer can use EXIF Capture Date seconds
EXIF Date Editor can shift the time by minutes and seconds as well, and set a complete new date and time including seconds
Catalog GPS GeoTags and other EXIF data from Nikon Z50 (and other newer Nikon cameras) MOV video files
Catalog XMP Track Marker data added by Adobe Prelude and others
Display Filter has options to filter items based on Keywords and Person data
Find Editor has option to find Photo -> Format is Panorama
Add your own file name suffixes to catalog QuickLook thumbnails of files
Find Editor can find EXIF Capture Dates for Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn (northern hemisphere)
Find Editor can find EXIF Capture Dates for a day and month in any year, like Fourth of July, or December 25
Light Table handles trackpad gestures like pinch and double tap to zoom, swipe to move, and triple swipe to navigate
Light Table can use Command-R to reveal the current item in the Finder
Light Table can use "forward delete" to remove the current file from the catalog and from disk
Show and Hide the entire LIBRARY section with a menu command
Sort LIBRARY by Label
Works around a bug in the Apple-NTFS driver of macOS 12, where NeoFinder could not see inside folders
Display better file details for astronomy FITS files
Hidden option to speed up cataloging of ExFAT volumes
Improved Google Earth connection will bring Google Earth in the foreground when using it
Works around bugs in other XMP editor applications, where these add duplicates of data
Appearances can now automatically use the macOS System Appearance with a special hidden setting
Updated the integrated EXIFTool to version 12.40
ffmpeg version 5.0 is fully supported
Visual touch-ups for all six appearance schemes
Improves the display of Audio-CD track data in the Inspector
Works around a new Apple bug in macOS 12 with clicking on "SegmentedCell" items
Works around a new Apple bug in macOS 12 when MOV files imported from iOS devices were malformed, and the XMP writer code could not write to these files
Fixes multiple problems with iView CatalogSets containing a"/" in their name
Fixes a problem cataloging iView CatalogSets from video files
Fixes a problem with the BlackMagic cataloging in older macOS versions
Fixes a problem writing file comments containing the " character
Fixes a problem where renaming a Found Item did not change the file name on the disk, even if that option was enabled
Fixes a problem with NeoFinder had asked you if you really wished to remove a catalog, but ignored the answer
Fixes a problem where the number of items in Albums and Album Groups were not always shown correctly
Fixes a problem when deleting items from a catalog, that catalog wasn't immediately saved to disk
Fixes a problem reading certain malformed ID3v2.4 tags of song files
Fixes a problem in the WhereIsIt XML Importer, where volume sizes were calculated incorrectly in some cases
Fixes many minor issues
NeoFinder requires Mac OS X 10.11 or newer, Intel or ARM. Older versions of NeoFinder for previous system versions are still available on our web site