Free your photos from Apples ""!

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Free your photos from Apples ""!

Post by neo-admin »

I you have used the free Apple "" to manage your photos, and add metadata to them, like descriptions, locations, or persons, you have locked them up, and it is very hard to get all that data out of there.

Apple has terrible problems writing standard metadata that all other applications can use: ... s_app.html

apple-photos-export-bugs.jpg (27.92 KiB) Viewed 1128 times

Yet if the damage is done, and you wish to rescue not only your actual photos, but also the metadata, there is a solution now.

Check out this excellent app:

It is able to rescue your photos and is even able to place the valuable metadata in the exported files.

And yes, it is a bit techy, as it requires the, but the results are great, and fully compatible with NeoFinder.

Check out the Command line examples on that page on how to use it.

If you have questions, post them here, we will expand this articel as additional information is needed.
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